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MicroSoft Windows OpenLDAP Client Authentication ..
MS Windows OpenLDAP client authentication
This guide is for authenticating MS Windows client against an OpenLDAP directory server in a linux network
I tested it in WinXP Pro, it works fine for me.
your Network configuration must be:
IP: 192.168.1.xxx
Subnet Mask:
Build Environment
We will install
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable, pGina, LDAP Auth
They can be found here:
Install vcredist_x86.exe
Install pGina-1.8.8-x86-installer.exe
Install LDAPAuth152Installer.exe
Now we will configure LDAP Auth plugin to work.
From the pGina configuration open plugin tab then browse the location seems to be
Then open configure use the map mode in LDAP configuration tab so put the following info in it’s button
LDAP Server: 192.168.1.x
PrePend: uid=
Append: ou=employees,=example,dc=com
leave the rest and save.
Now restart the machine and login It’s OK